Download UP - old versions


Software UP for old programmers

UP is the software for ASIX programmers. It offers many advanced features and allows detailed user control of device programming process - either interactively or remotely. It runs under Windows as well as Linux (using Wine).

UP 2.56 - last version supporting the programmers with parallel port connection

Old, discontinued LPT-based programmers PICQUICK, PICCOLO, PICCOLO GRANDE and CAPR-PI are supported.

UP_2-56_EN.EXE (executable installer, 1 490 784 B)

SUPLIST_2-56.HTM (list of devices supported by UP ver. 2.56)

UP 2.49 - last version supporting PRESTO under Windows 98SE/Windows ME

UP_2-49_EN.EXE (executable installer, 1 348 698 B)

Archived old and now *OBSOLETE* documentation

HELP-EN.CHM  (compiled HTML format, about 120 KB)
This HELP file was included in UP till ver. 3.05 as a on-line help accessible with F1 key. This separate download is intended for user's convenience and allows user to learn many important information about the program, its advanced usage, ICSP programming, FAQ, Tips and tricks, etc.

PROGRAMMERS_EN.PDF  (PDF format, about 1.4 MB)

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